Mr David Coleman MP, Federal Member for Banks was presented with a 1000 signature petition supporting his call for action on parking in Beverly Hills.
A meeting of local businesses was held at D to D Café in Beverly Hills where the petition was presented to Mr Coleman by Cliff Yung, the owner of D to D Café.
“We have secured $2.5 million in Federal Government funding for parking in Beverly Hills, it is now time for Georges River Council and the NSW Government to act”, Mr Coleman said.
“This petition is another demonstration of the community’s demand for better parking in Beverly Hills.”
Mr Coleman told the businesses that continued pressure from both them and their customers to Georges River Council and the NSW Government was the key to getting the parking issues resolved.
Cliff Yung, the owner of D to D café said “Parking is the biggest problem in Beverly Hills. It is time for the Council and NSW Government to make use of this $2.5 million grant and fix this problem”.
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