On Wednesday 14 November, David Coleman, the Federal Member for Banks, invited Minister for Families and Social Services, Paul Fletcher, to drop by 3Bridges’ Penshurst centre and hear first-hand about their work in the community.

“It was great to hear about some of the important work that 3Bridges does for our local area,” Mr Coleman said. “They’re an invaluable organisation and I look forward to continue working with them in the future.”

3Bridges aims to help connect residents in the local community by providing a supportive environment for individuals and households to seek advice, support and social interaction. They offer a wide range of services, from mental health support programs, before and after school care, respite care, and seniors’ activities.

3Bridges receives Federal funding under the Morrison Government’s Counselling, Support, Information and Advocacy Program and has a 40-year history of helping people in the St George area. The Federal Government also provided $500, 000 towards the construction of the recently opened community hall at 3Bridges’ Penshurst centre.